Monday, May 14, 2012

Let me open my first post with a confession: I am six years behind on my scrapbooking. Yes, you read that right. SIX years. My sister is my scrapbooking hero. Not only is she usually up to date, but her scrapbooks are beautiful! My only good excuse is that her kids are old enough to not mess with her stuff when she leaves it out, and my kids see scrapbooking as an endless parade of papers that need to be colored, cut, and glued to their specifications (Okay, so in trying to minimize my lack of scrapbooking accomplishments, I'm not giving her nearly enough credit for her vision and organization!). So I've decided that instead of fighting this time in my life, I will embrace it. I have hope that I will one day rise to scrapbooking greatness, but for now this blog will give me the chance to keep our family and friends updated on our life without the need for glue or scissors. 

 I thought long and hard about what to call my blog. Something interesting, something unusual. As a former English teacher, I know the importance of a title! And then Kelsey provided the answer when she started trying to eat markers. I can assure you that it was worse in real life than what I captured in the pictures!

Kelsey is our resident messer/explorer with a great laugh and a precious desire to snuggle- when she's in the mood. Kylie is our princess who only likes dresses and skirts and who quotes lines from books and movies and adds a touch of drama to our lives. Ben and I are like most parents, trying to raise our kids to know how to behave and what's important in life as well as trying to stay connected as a couple, and trying to have some family fun along the way.  This blog is our story.  I hope you'll enjoy following the tales of our normal, messy, sweet life! With these crazy girls in the house, it's always guaranteed to be interesting!

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